CBD Oil For Sleep Disorders

CBD Oil For Sleep DisordersCBD Oil For Sleep Disorders From CBD Insiders

While CBD oil for sleep disorders & insomnia isn’t a miracle cure, over the last few years several important studies have been published within the scientific and academic communities, showing that CBD for sleep is in fact a reliable – and efficient – treatment option.

It is estimated that approximately 70 million people suffer from sleep disorders or insomnia. Often sleeping problems are related to stress or anxiety, and if this is the case, insomnia can become a chronic issue that needs to be treated as an actual medical condition.

Many people who take prescription medication for insomnia or other sleep-related disorders complain of feeling lethargic, nauseated, distracted, and unable to focus – and that’s just some of the side-effects. In addition, those who take prescription medication may also be unable to operate vehicles or machinery, which can mean the loss of mobility and even potentially the loss of income. But how do you find something that helps you maintain a decent sleep without all the horrible side-effects of prescription medication?

If you’re dealing with a frustrating sleep disorder, CBD oil may be the solution that you’ve been looking for. As a natural plant-based alternative to over-the-counter drugs, which can be dangerous and habit-forming, using CBD oil for sleep has gained rapid popularity in recent years.

CBD oil may be an effective treatment for lack of sleep caused by any of the following conditions:

  • Insomnia
  • Daytime sleepiness/fatigue
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic pain (caused migraines, arthritis, back pain, etc.)

The benefits of CBD for insomnia or other sleep disorders are believed to involve the endocannabinoid system, a network of receptors in the human body that are activated by the natural cannabinoids found in cannabis plants like hemp. Among other things, the receptors have been shown to influence things like mood, depression, anxiety, appetite, and even pain and inflammation.

CBD is a 100% natural chemical that’s found in the marijuana plant. It is what’s referred to as a “phytocannabinoid,” which means it belongs to a class of molecules that interact with endocannabinoid receptors in the human body and is thought to relax the body and mind by helping to regulate the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for helping the body maintain homeostasis (the natural balance of bodily functions). This is done by activating the main categories of receptors CB1 and CB2. These two receptors play a role in the release of neurotransmitter, focus, memory and pain tolerance and feelings of pleasure.

In preliminary studies, anecdotal evidence supports the use of CBD oil for sleep and insomnia and CBD users with troubles sleeping claim that they get a better sleep when taking a CBD extract or tincture a few hours before going to bed.

While we may not understand the exact mechanisms behind how CBD helps to induce both deep sleep and wakefulness, accounts from real people show it works. Many people even say they were able to replace their prescription sleep medications with CBD hemp oil, since prescription medications were ineffective.

Ultimately, everyone is different. The varying combinations of medications, supplements, and other strategies for getting a more restful night’s rest will depend on a person’s individual needs.

A doctor’s opinion is also necessary. It’s always best to discuss any life changes with your health practitioner.

However, there remains mounting evidence that CBD oil for sleep can prove helpful with minimal side effects although it’s always best to discuss any life changes with your health practitioner.

In addition, there is evidence showing how important sleep is for our overall health and due to these facts, we hope that everyone looking to get better sleep would take CBD oil into consideration as a possible solution to sleep disorders. The existing evidence seems to suggest that it can only help. Why not try it out for yourself?

The nonpsychoactive Cannabis constituent cannabidiol is a wake-inducing agent
Cannabis, Cannabinoids, and Sleep: a Review of the Literature
Excessive daytime sleepiness in sleep disorders
Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders
Effects of acute systemic administration of cannabidiol on sleep-wake cycle in rats
Cannabidiol, a constituent of Cannabis sativa, modulates sleep in rats

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CBD Oil For Sleep Disorders was originally published on CBD Insiders for CBD News website.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

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