CBD Oil For Fibromyalgia

CBD Oil For FibromyalgiaCBD Oil For Fibromyalgia From CBD Insiders

Studies on people using CBD Oil for Fibromyalgia pain relief can offer people a healthy, natural alternative method of healing and to lessen pain.

Fibromyalgia patients on many online forums dedicated to the condition mention CBD oil and marijuana as highly effective treatment options.

According to a study conducted by the National Pain Foundation and National Pain Report, medical cannabis has been rated as one of the most effective treatment in reducing pain from Fibromyalgia. From the 1,300 fibromyalgia patients who responded to the survey, many said they had tried all 3 of the FDA approved drugs, with less than 30% reporting results from ‘effective relief’ through to ‘slight relief’ being obtained. Comparing the study findings against those who had tried medical cannabis for their fibromyalgia symptoms 62% said it was very effective. Another 33% said it helped slightly while only 5% reported no relief.

What is a Fibromyalgia?

Symptoms of fibromyalgia can often be confused with those of arthritis, or joint inflammation. Unlike arthritis, however, Fibromyalgia has not been found to cause joint or muscle inflammation and damage. It is seen as a rheumatic condition, in other words, one that causes soft tissue pain or myofascial pain.

Common symptoms of Fibromyalgia include:

  • Widespread pain
  • Jaw pain and stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Stiff joints and muscles in the morning
  • Pain and tiredness in the face muscles and adjacent fibrous tissues
  • Difficulties with memory and concentration, known as “fibro-fog”
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Irregular sleep patterns
  • Tingling and numbness in the hands and feet
  • Painful menstrual periods
  • Sensitivity to cold or heat
  • Restless leg syndrome (RLS)
  • Difficulties with memory and concentration, known as “fibro-fog”
  • Fatigue

The following symptoms are also possible:

  • Nausea
  • Problems with vision
  • Weight gain
  • Pelvic and urinary problems
  • Cold or flu-like symptoms
  • Dizziness
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Skin problems
  • Breathing problems
  • Chest symptoms

Symptoms can appear at any time during a person’s life, however, they are most frequently reported around the age of 45 years.

Much like treatments for many diseases, Fibromyalgia treatment often starts with the management of symptoms. With fibromyalgia, the symptoms create a string of tender points along the body. Combined with extreme fatigue and an inability to sleep and you have a recipe for a drastically poor quality of life riddled with pain and discomfort.

Fibromyalgia is characterised by musculoskeletal pain and Fibromyalgia treatment is highly focused on relief from pain in those who suffer from it. Fibromyalgia treatment is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ exercise and is often a case of trial and error as what works for one patient, may not always work for another.

Dealing with the chronic pain of fibromyalgia places a lot of unnecessary stress on sufferers. Along with pain, they can experience bouts of insomnia, depression and hopelessness.

The prevalence of Fibromyalgia increases as a person ages, yet 80-90% of all cases are women. The symptoms are known to worsen with persistence as it progresses, and it is exacerbated by the weather, illness and stress.

CBD Oil For Fibromyalgia

CBD oil has been used to treat chronic pain symptoms and reduce inflammation. It’s considered to be an alternative to taking addictive opioid prescriptions.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical compound made from cannabis. CBD isn’t psychoactive, unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the other well-known byproduct of marijuana.

CBD is thought to activate serotonin receptors, and plays a role in pain perception, maintaining body temperature, and reducing inflammation. It also breaks down a chemical in the brain that affects mood and mental function.

A research study in 2009 found that CBD can be used for relieving neuropathic pain. And in two other studies, CBD was used to treat inflammatory and neuropathic pain from nerve injury. Researchers found CBD to be an effective alternative treatment because it significantly reduced pain symptoms.

During another study published in 2008, a series of tests regarding cannabinoids effectiveness at assisting conditions such as migraines and fibromyalgia concluded that Migraine, fibromyalgia, IBS and related conditions display common clinical, biochemical and pathophysiological patterns that may be suitably treated with cannabinoid medicines.

Although these are only a few examples representing a small fraction of cases that suggest CBD oil for Fibromyalgia can be effective, there is plenty of other anecdotal cases of positive results that further strengthen the case of CBD’s benefits.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness, and CBD will not cure it. Symptoms may vary with time, whether or not a person is treated. However, many with the condition find that experimenting with CBD oil for Fibromyalgia may help to manage or eliminate symptoms.

Cannabinoids for fibromyalgia
The rational management of fibromyalgia patients
Anandamide and neutrophil function in patients with fibromyalgia
Cannabis use in patients with fibromyalgia: effect on symptoms relief and health-related quality of life
Marijuana Rated Most Effective for Treating Fibromyalgia
The Analgesic Potential of Cannabinoids
Cannabinoids for treatment of chronic non-cancer pain; a systematic review of randomized trials
Nabilone for the Treatment of Pain in Fibromyalgia
The Pharmacologic and Clinical Effects of Medical Cannabis
A tale of two cannabinoids: The therapeutic rationale for combining tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol
Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Reconsidered: Current Research Supports the Theory in Migraine, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel, and Other Treatment-Resistant Syndromes
Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain: An Updated Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Medical Marijuana for Treatment of Chronic Pain and Other Medical and Psychiatric Problems
Sleep disturbances and severe stress as glial activators: key targets for treating central sensitization in chronic pain patients

Visit CBD Insiders a fast-growing community sharing their knowledge of the latest CBD Health, Research, Science & News as well as exclusive interviews and in-depth reporting on influential players in the CBD business.

CBD Oil For Fibromyalgia was originally published on CBD Insiders for CBD News website.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

CBD Oil Australia

CBD Oil AustraliaCBD Oil Australia From CBD Insiders

Currently, people are using CBD oil Australia wide to help get relief from a variety of ailments.

CBD Oil (Cannabidiol) and Hemp Oil are both produced from the same Cannabis plant and contain less than 0.3% of THC, the ingredient that gets people “high” when they smoke marijuana.

When CBD oil is extracted from the hemp plant, it is totally safe. It is also legal in many countries around the world and Australians are particularly well-educated on the advantages of CBD.

CBD Hemp Oil is the extraction of CBD from the stalks and leaves of the industrial hemp plant.

The recent changes in legislation means it’s very difficult for Australians to legally get access to high quality CBD meaning people who want CBD oil Australia wide are turning to websites from outside Australia to purchase CBD products.

While there are clear legal guidelines regarding the use of legal cannabidiol products in Australia, including Epidiolex which is only available if you meet certain conditions and have a doctor prescribe it for you.

Many online CBD oil websites selling to Australia have reported mixed results regarding successfully buying CBD oil from overseas for delivery to Australia with customs seizing packages at random, however this appears to be a hit-or-miss scenario meaning that it is still possible to buy CBD oil in Australia from an overseas website and successfully receive delivery. Thus far, no Australians have been prosecuted for purchasing Hemp CBD Oil or importing it from overseas.

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence surrounding the therapeutic benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD Oil) and as we are not doctors, we cannot diagnose conditions or claim CBD will treat, cure or have any benefits at all.

If you are looking to buy CBD oil products in Australia but aren’t sure where to get started, we’re currently undertaking a comprehensive review of companies that claim to deliver CBD oil Australia wide and would be happy to provide some recommendations if you are having trouble locating reliable CBD oil companies from Australia.

For More Information about buying CBD Oil Australia Wide, Click Here To Join Our Facebook Group

Visit CBD Insiders a fast-growing community sharing their knowledge of the latest CBD Health, Research, Science & News as well as exclusive interviews and in-depth reporting on influential players in the CBD business.

CBD Oil Australia was originally published on CBD Insiders for CBD News website.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

CBD Oil For Migraines

CBD Oil For MigrainesCBD Oil For Migraines From CBD Insiders

Research into using CBD Oil for Migraines is still limited however some laboratory studies have suggested that CBD oil may help all forms of chronic and acute pain. This includes migraines.

When talking about the therapeutic effects of CBD oil, it’s often the cannabinoid’s analgesic effect that is referenced. As headaches are the most common source of pain in the general population, it would make sense that CBD oil for migraines would be an obvious therapeutic target.

What is CBD oil?

CBD is most often extracted from hemp plants as opposed to marijuana plants. While both are types of cannabis plant, hemp plants, unlike marijuana plants, are not selectively bred to contain high levels of THC, meaning CBD does not change a person’s mental state or produce a ‘high’ in the same way THC does.

There are a variety of different CBD oil products for sale on the market and the amount of CBD in each, may vary.

People are buying CBD oil relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Recent research suggests CBD oil for Migraines may be useful to relieve pain associated with this chronic condition.

What is a Migraine?

Migraine pain is categorized as an intense pain that throbs or pulses in a specific spot on the head and goes beyond the typical stress- or allergy-related headache. Migraines last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours, and even the most mundane activities can amplify your symptoms. This includes being around noise and light, and moving.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH), migraines affect 10 percent of the global population and are three times more common in women than men. Migraine may occur recurrently over many years or even decades. Frequency may vary greatly in the same person over time, from a few a year up to several a week.

Roughly one-third of affected individuals can predict the onset of a migraine because it is preceded by an “aura,” visual disturbances that appear as flashing lights, zig-zag lines or a temporary loss of vision. Evidence shows an increased sensitivity after each successive attack, eventually leading to chronic daily migraine in some individuals.

The International Headache Society diagnoses a migraine by its pain and number of attacks (at least 5, lasting 4-72 hours if untreated), and additional symptoms including nausea and/or vomiting, or sensitivity to both light and sound.

Other symptoms that may be experienced include:

  • Difficulty in concentrating, confusion
  • Osmophobia (sensitivity to smell)
  • A feeling of being generally extremely unwell
  • Stiffness of the neck and shoulders
  • Aura (visual disturbances such as bright zigzag lines, flashing lights, difficulty in focusing or blind spots lasting 20-45 minutes)
  • Problems with articulation or co-ordination
  • Paralysis or loss of consciousness (rare).
  • Tingling, pins and needles or numbness or even one-sided limb weakness
  • Speech disturbance
  • Diarrhea

Onset of migraine is from childhood onwards but most commonly in the 20s and 30s and relatively infrequently after the age of 40; therefore, prevalence increases from the first to fourth decades and declines thereafter.

A significant number of migraineurs experience warning symptoms for up to 24 hours before the attacks start but may not recognize these signs until they know what to look for.

Apart from common migraine and migraine with aura, other types of migraine include:

  • Lower-half Headache or Facial Migraine
  • Migraine Aura without Headache
  • Status Migrainosus
  • Abdominal Migraine (recurrent stomach pains in childhood)
  • Basilar Artery Migraine (with loss of balance and fainting)
  • Hemiplegic Migraine (with weakness on one side of the body)
  • Ophthalmoplegic Migraine (with double vision)
  • Retinal Migraine (with loss of vision in one eye)
  • Migrainous Infarction

Much can be done about migraine. Treatment is not just a matter of taking a tablet but a case of each individual developing a migraine management plan that will probably involve lifestyle modifications, medication and complementary therapies.

While pain killers can help alleviate migraine symptoms temporarily, you may be concerned about their side effects. This is where CBD (cannabidiol) oil may come in.

CBD Oil For Migraines

Our bodies’ own natural endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a crucial role in who suffers from migraines.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a modulatory system in the body. Though many of you have may not heard of such a system existing in the body – the endocannabinoid system is confirmed to be present within all of us and its very existence is proving valuable as a medicine for disease, pain and in the maintenance of homoeostasis.

As our largest regulatory system, the ECS can control everything from pain to appetite. The body produces its own cannabinoids and also has cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2 receptors) in nearly every cell in the body. Though the relationship between these cells and receptors isn’t fully understood, their interaction is thought to affect the immune system.

As an example, CBD may prevent the body from metabolizing anandamide. This is a compound associated with pain regulation. Maintaining high levels of anandamides in your bloodstream may reduce your feelings of pain. Anandamide, sometimes known as the bliss molecule, is the body’s natural version of THC and a 2007 study found that regular migraine sufferers had below average levels of anandamide. This has led some researchers to believe migraines are caused by an endocannabinoid system deficiency.

Another study from Colorado in 2016 found that regular cannabis use decreased the frequency of migraines from 10.4 headaches each month to only 4.6. Furthermore, 11.6 percent of participants reported regular cannabis use stopped their migraines completely.

This is where CBD for migraines comes in. Because migraines might be caused by an ECS deficiency many people are turning to CBD oil for migraines, supplementing their ECS with a daily dose of CBD oil as a preventative measure to keep migraines at bay.

CBD oil for migraines is gaining popularity as an effective way to treat and prevent the debilitating headaches. If you suffer from migraines and are wondering how to stop the pain a daily dose of CBD for migraines may help to reduce intensity and frequency of symptoms.

The Use of Cannabis for Headache Disorders
Effects of Medical Marijuana on Migraine Headache Frequency in an Adult Population
The endocannabinoid system and migraine
Variations in the cannabinoid receptor 1 gene predispose to migraine
Endocannabinoids in chronic migraine: CSF findings suggest a system failure
Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Reconsidered: Current Research Supports the Theory in Migraine, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel, and Other Treatment-Resistant Syndromes
Cannabinoids suppress inflammatory and neuropathic pain by targeting α3 glycine receptors
The Analgesic Potential of Cannabinoids

Visit CBD Insiders a fast-growing community sharing their knowledge of the latest CBD Health, Research, Science & News as well as exclusive interviews and in-depth reporting on influential players in the CBD business.

CBD Oil For Migraines was originally published on CBD Insiders for CBD News website.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

Can You Overdose On CBD Oil?

Can You Overdose On CBD Oil?Can You Overdose On CBD Oil? From CBD Insiders

To properly answer the question ‘can you overdose on CBD oil?’ you need to consider both types of overdose that could occur.

As for a Fatal Overdose of CBD oil, this is extremely unlikely. While CBD oil, in its current form and popularity, has only been around for a short while, the underlying compound, Cannabis, has a far longer safety record, with zero reported deaths so far from a Cannabis overdose.

CBD oil itself does not appear to present any risk of fatal overdose whatsoever. With the increased popularity of CBD-derived products, such as CBD capsules, edibles and blended oils, you do need to take into consideration any additional chemicals that may be mixed with products you are consuming. However, given the small quantities being consumed, a fatal overdose would probably be fairly unlikely.

A more possible scenario may be a non-fatal overdose, which, depending on the effects, could be very similar to what might be called ‘severe side effects’. This outcome could possibly also come about as a result of an adverse reaction with any other drugs that may be taken.

The Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System

The only know risk likely to cause unwanted side effects and even overdose, is with regard to the Cytochrome P-450 Enzyme System.

The Cytochrome P-450 system is a system within the liver which is responsible for metabolizing 90% of the drugs you consume with more than 50 enzymes that process and eliminate toxins.

The Cytochrome P-450 system’s ability to metabolize certain drugs can be inhibited by CBD which leads to an overall increase in processing times which can result in higher levels of the drug in your system at one time. If you are taking any drug that is affected by cannabidiol, you may need to adjust the dosage in order to take both drugs safely.

Any drug metabolized by cytochrome P-450 enzymes could potentially interact with cannabidiol. According to the Indiana University Department of Medicine, drugs known to use the cytochrome P-450 system include:

  • Steroids
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • HMG CoA reductase inhibitors
  • Prokinetics
  • Antihistamines
  • Immune modulators
  • HIV antivirals
  • Anti-arrythmics
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Antibiotics
  • Anesthetics
  • Anti-psychotics
  • Anti-depressants
  • Anti-epileptics
  • PPIs
  • Beta blockers
  • NSAIDs
  • Angiotension II blockers
  • Sulfonylureas
  • Oral hypoglycemic agents

When doctors are determining appropriate medication dosages, they factor in the rate of metabolism based on a generally healthy system only processing one drug.and there are certain drugs that can affect the processing times within the Cytochrome P-450 enzyme system and this can cause other drugs to metabolize faster or slower than they would under normal conditions.

You should consult with a medical professional before taking any combination of drugs at the same time, as alternative medications or dosage adjustments may be required.

Possible Side Effects From Using CBD

There are dozens of studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of cannabidiol in treating various conditions. Most of these studies conclude that cannabinoid is safe and virtually free of side effects and is considered a safe substance to take.

An NCBI review paper from 2011 on the Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol suggests that controlled cannabidiol administration is safe and non-toxic in humans and animals.

There are very few known side effects of CBD and these are mostly minor and could include:

  • Inhibition of hepatic drug metabolism –
  • Decreased activities of p-glycoprotein and other drug transporters
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased tremor in Parkinson’s patients at high dose CBD
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lightheadedness
  • Drowsiness

Besides these side-effects, in rare occasions, CBD may affect your heart rate, body temperature, pH levels, glucose levels, red cell volume in the blood, affect the potassium and sodium levels.

These are temporary effects and will disappear once you adjust your dosage to a lower level, which may be more appropriate in your case.

Safety and side effects of cannabidiol (NCBI/NIH)
Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol (ResearchGate)

Visit CBD Insiders a fast-growing community sharing their knowledge of the latest CBD Health, Research, Science & News as well as exclusive interviews and in-depth reporting on influential players in the CBD business.

Can You Overdose On CBD Oil? was originally published on CBD Insiders for CBD News website.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

CBD Oil For Arthritis

CBD Oil For ArthritisCBD Oil For Arthritis From CBD Insiders

Recent studies into using CBD Oil for Arthritis could present an effective treatment option to relieve pain associated with chronic conditions, such as arthritis.

This article looks at the available scientific research behind the benefits, uses, and side effects of CBD oil. Read on to understand whether CBD oil may offer an effective treatment for arthritis and chronic pain.

What is CBD oil?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. Unlike THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD is not psychoactive, meaning it does not change a person’s mental state or produce a ‘high’ in the same way THC does.

CBD is most often extracted from hemp plants as opposed to marijuana plants. While both are types of cannabis plant, hemp plants, unlike marijuana plants, are not selectively bred to contain high levels of THC.

There are a variety of different CBD oil products for sale on the market and the amount of CBD in each, may vary.

People are buying CBD oil to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Recent research suggests CBD oil for Arthritis may be useful to relieve pain associated with this chronic condition.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a leading cause of disability in the United States with over 50 million Americans having arthritis, making it the number one cause of disability in the country. This means 1 in every 5 adults, 300,000 children and countless families.

Arthritis, however, is not just one single disease. Arthritis is a term that covers a large number of medical conditions related to the musculoskeletal system and the joints where two or more bones meet.

Symptoms of Arthritis include pain and stiffness caused by inflammation within the joint cartilage and surrounding structures.

Patient’s experience pain and weakness in the joints, making them unstable and can interfere with ones mobility.

There are over 100 forms of arthritis, however there are 2 that account for the largest percentage of cases diagnosed:

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition that also causes severe pain as a result of a person’s body attacking their joints, causing inflammation. It commonly affects the hands and feet and leads to painful, swollen, and stiff joints.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease characterized by progressive cartilage degradation, leading to inflammation, pain, abnormal bone growth and loss of mobility. Osteoarthritis commonly affects joint cartilage and bones, causing pain and stiffness. It often affects the hip, knee, and thumb joints as it compromises bone integrity.

Other forms of arthritis, such as lupus (SLE) and gout, can affect multiple organs and cause widespread symptoms.

Arthritis is more common among adults aged 65 years or older, but it can affect people of all ages, including children.

Common symptoms of Arthritis include:

  • Pain
  • Dwelling in a joint
  • Redness and a feeling of warmth in a joint
  • Stiffness or difficulty moving a joint
  • General symptoms such as fatigue and feeling unwell

Treatment for arthritis aims to control pain, minimize joint damage, and improve or maintain function and quality of life.

CBD Oil for Arthritis Pain Relief

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is a modulatory system in the body. Though many of you have may not heard of such a system existing in the body – the endocannabinoid system is confirmed to be present within all of us.

The existence of the ECS is proving valuable as:

  • a medicine for disease
  • in the relief of pain; and
  • in the maintenance of homoeostasis.

Activation of the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the ECS has been shown to offer a range of different benefits, including reducing pain signals in both the peripheral and central nervous system.

The CB2 receptor, specifically, is believed to play a role in the immune system by managing pain and inflammation. Researchers believe that when CBD enters a person’s body, it may attach to CB2 receptors. Alternatively, it may also cause the body to produce natural cannabinoids that attach to the CB2 receptors.

The endocannabinoid system shows great promise to treat both the underlying cause of osteoarthritis as well as provide symptomatic relief from pain and inflammation.

In a study from 2005, CBD (cannabidiol) and THC were both found to produce notable improvements in pain, quality of sleep, and to reduce disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Both of these compounds are among the cannabinoids naturally occurring in cannabis plants.

There is an abundance of authentic, peer reviewed scientific data that suggests CBD Oil (Cannabidiol) may possess the following medical benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory – Combating inflammatory disorders
  • Anti-oxidant – Resisting neurodegenerative disorders
  • Antiemetic – Reducing the discomfort and symptoms experienced from nausea and vomiting
  • Anticonvulsant – Suppressing / Minimizes seizure activity
  • Anti-tumoral / Anti-cancer – Fighting off tumors and cancer cells
  • Anxiolytic / Anti-depressant – Treating anxiety and depression disorders

CBD oil shows promise as a treatment for arthritis pain. The way researchers believe it affects receptors in the brain and immune system means it may reduce inflammation and pain. While findings so far have been encouraging, more research is needed to say with certainty that CBD oil for arthritis is an effective treatment.

The abnormal cannabidiol analogue O-1602 reduces nociception in a rat model of acute arthritis via the putative cannabinoid receptor GPR55
Involvement of the endocannabinoid system in osteoarthritis pain
Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviours in a rat model of arthritis
Attenuation of early phase inflammation by cannabidiol prevents pain and nerve damage in rat osteoarthritis
Preliminary assessment of the efficacy, tolerability and safety of a cannabis-based medicine (Sativex) in the treatment of pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis
Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain
The nonpsychoactive cannabis constituent cannabidiol is an oral anti-arthritic therapeutic in murine collagen-induced arthritis
Involvement of the endocannabinoid system in osteoarthritis pain

Visit CBD Insiders a fast-growing community sharing their knowledge of the latest CBD Health, Research, Science & News as well as exclusive interviews and in-depth reporting on influential players in the CBD business.

CBD Oil For Arthritis was originally published on CBD Insiders for CBD News website.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

CBD Oil Buyers Guide

CBD Oil Buyers GuideCBD Oil Buyers Guide From CBD Insiders

Welcome to our CBD Oil Buyers Guide. If you are looking to buy CBD oil products but aren’t sure where to get started, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you choose the best CBD oil supplements that are right for you.

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence surrounding the therapeutic benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD Oil) and as we are not doctors, we cannot diagnose conditions or claim CBD will treat, cure or have any benefits at all.

CBD is one of the most misunderstood dietary supplements. Many people often confuse it with THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. Both THC and CBD have excellent healing properties however CBD has no psychoactive properties, and that it actually works to neutralize the psychoactive effects of THC.

CBD is legal in many countries worldwide and is completely safe. It contains no psychoactive elements, so there is no chance of “getting high” and CBD can be taken as a food supplement to support a healthy balanced lifestyle.

CBD content differs from product to product. CBD cannot harm you, but it is good to know how much of it you actually consume when you use a CBD product. CBD products are most often measured in how much Hemp Oil they contain, as well as the specific CBD content.

When you are ready to look at CBD oil products, there are still many other factors to consider including; brand, CBD concentration, type of product, and above all, your very own needs.

CBD Oil Buying Criteria

There are now a wide variety of CBD products to choose from and understanding how to compare similar products and distinguish between seemingly identical products is the first step towards making an informed buying decision when it comes to buying CBD Oil online.

Here are a few of the most important criteria to help you determine the differences between CBD products and to give you an easy way to tell them apart.

CBD Volume

One of the most critical factors is how much CBD is contained in the product. CBD prodcuts are typically measured by CBD quantity and hemp oil quantity, which means the total volume of hemp oil that is contained in the product. While hemp oil has it’s own beneficial products, when you are buying CBD oil products, you want to pay attention to the quantity of CBD that is present in a particular product.


In addition to the Hemp Oil and CBD volume contained in CBD products, concentration is one of the most important characteristics in any CBD product. CBD concentration refers to the abundance of CBD when compared to the total volume of the product. This can range from normal to super-high CBD concentration. The concentration you choose depends on how much CBD you want to take and what type of product you are getting it from.

Ease of Use

Some CBD products are more difficult to use than others. For example, using CBD vape oil requires a vaporizer whereas other products like tinctures are as simple as spraying CBD on your tongue. How quickly you will feel the effects of CBD depends on which products you use. With some products (like vaporizers), you’ll feel the effects immediately, while other products (like capsules / pills) may take 1-2 hours to feel the effects. Much like a daily multivitamin supplement, CBD has maximum efficiency when used consistently so it is important to choose a CBD product that fits with your needs.

Types of CBD Products

CBD supplements offer a surprising range of health benefits and there are numerous different ways how CBD can be consumed. Different CBD oil product types offer different benefits and come with certain limitations. Some CBD oil products focus more on ease of use to allow them to be taken on the go and without hassle whereas others are more potent in terms of CBD concentration. Certain CBD products can even be used together for a synergistic effect, while others are designed to be taken alongside food or drinks.

CBD Capsules

CBD capsules are tasteless and odorless, and as with pills they are extremely easy to carry around wherever you go. These are standard dissolvable capsules that contain powdered hemp oil with high concentrations of CBD.

CBD Tinctures

One of the more versatile forms of CBD, CBD tinctures come in a range of different flavors and CBD strengths. CBD tinctures are absorbed sublingually (under your tongue), which means that they act quicker than some other forms of CBD products (like capsules). CBD tinctures can also be mixed with drinks, offering you a variety of ways to consume CBD.

CBD Topicals

CBD topical creams, lotions and balms offer a handy and unique usability that isn’t available with certain other CBD products. CBD topicals can target specific points of stiffness or inflammation and as CBD is absorbable through the skin, making these topicals a great means of directly alleviating any aches you might have. Since topicals are absorbed through the skin, they tend to work slower than most other CBD product types even though they have can have potent CBD concentrations.


If you are looking to buy pure CBD in the strongest concentrations, CBD in oil form is more concentrated and contains the highest quantity of CBD when compared to all other CBD product types. Since CBD oil is more “pure” than other CBD product types it doesn’t normally have any added flavor so like the tinctures, though, this product can be mixed in with other foods.

CBD Vaporizers

CBD vaporizers are a unique type of CBD product that function similar to an e-cigarette or e-pen and work by heating up CBD to a point where it turns from a liquid to a vapor that can be inhaled. CBD vaporizers are lightweight and elegant making them among the most stylish of CBD products. The CBD oil present in the cartridges is specially treated to be easily vaporized and offer maximum benefits via inhalation.

Choosing a Trustworthy CBD Brand

Finding a trustworthy CBD brand doesn’t have to be difficult if you know what you are looking for. We suggest you look for these qualities that make a manufacturer stand out and show they actually care for the wellbeing of the environment and their customers.

Industrial Hemp

Products made from industrial hemp (which is legal in all 50 U.S. states and many countries around the world). Marijuana-based CBD products are restricted to states and countries where they are legal. CBD products must have lower than 0.3% THC to be considered hemp products and not marijuana.

Third-Party Lab Tested

Make sure the products you purchase are all tested by a third party laboratory to ensure they are of a high quality and contain the right amount of CBD that they are claiming. Products should also be tested for mold, heavy metals and other contaminants. Companies should be able to produce a Certificate of Analysis (COA) if you ask them to verify their claims.

GMP Facility

A Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is a system for ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. Make sure your product is produced with the highest standards so that you know it wasn’t made in someone’s kitchen or garage. You should be able to find a GMP logo on the website of products using a GMP accredited facility.

We appreciate you taking the time to read our buying guide. We took great care to offer you objective information on CBD, and we hope it helps you make the best decisions possible when buying CBD products.

Visit CBD Insiders a fast-growing community sharing their knowledge of the latest CBD Health, Research, Science & News as well as exclusive interviews and in-depth reporting on influential players in the CBD business.

CBD Oil Buyers Guide was originally published on CBD Insiders for CBD News website.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

CBD Oil For Autism

CBD Oil For AutismCBD Oil For Autism From CBD Insiders

Many parents of severely autistic children are turning to CBD oil for Autism treatment. Although there are very few studies linking cannabinoid medicine to autism treatment, desperate parents who feel they have nothing to lose and everything to gain, are trying CBD oil.

Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD, is a developmental disability that causes the patient great difficulty both as a child and as an adult with social interaction, communication and behavior. Many patients with autism have additional medical conditions which coincide such as seizures, sleep disturbances and gastrointestinal complaints.

According to statistics from 2014 released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1.5% of the children in the U.S. are diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder, affecting one in 68 American children.

Spectrum refers to the wide range of signs and symptoms associated with ASD.

Some autistic patients experience a whole range of symptoms and severity. whereas some do not suffer extreme symptoms. ASD patients are typically classed with regards to how well they function in their world. As an example, patients that have rather high levels of intelligence and for the most part have normal speech would be considered high functioning, whereas a child who doesn’t speak at all – would be considered a low functioning ASD patient.

You can likely comprehend the large difference between zero verbal communication to the ability to communicate effectively. Therefore, Autism can not be treated by any one drug, or any one technique due to the fact that each and every patient will need something specifically tailored to their set of symptoms.

Causes of Autism

It is commonly believed that Autism is most often genetically passed on. The chances of a child being born with Autism increases when one or both parents are of an older age. Chances may also increase when a pregnant mother is exposed to toxins, drinks or smokes during pregnancy. It may also caused by abnormalities in the brain area that interprets sensory input.

Symptoms of Autism

Symptoms associated with Autism are often seen very early in a child’s development and may include any of the items on this list of autistic traits typically found in the ASD patient:

For children:

  • Difficulty developing non-verbal communication, skills, body language and facial expressions
  • No interest in sharing or enjoying the company of another
  • Difficulty establishing friendships with kids of similar age
  • Delayed speech – 40% patients never speak
  • No empathy. Difficulty understanding what another is feeling ie) Pain or Sorrow.
  • Inability to continue a conversation with someone
  • Difficulty initiating a conversation with someone
  • Difficulty understanding what their listener has perceived from the conversation
  • Repetition of certain words
  • Learning difficulties
  • Heightened sensory sensitivity

For adults:

  • Learning difficulties
  • Rigid routine to keep life in balance
  • Exhibits unusual behavior
  • Unusually intense focused interests
  • Heightened sensitivity to sounds / sensory sensitivity
  • Hand flapping / Spinning
  • Obsessive Compulsive
  • Repetitive use of objects
  • Unusual sensory interest

Other than a long list of medications for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder, there are also a number of alternative treatments and therapies available to the autistic patient, including

  • Early intervention
  • Cognitive behavior therapy
  • Behavioral management
  • Joint attention therapy
  • Educational strategies
  • Occupational
  • Nutritional
  • Physical therapy
  • Parent-mediated
  • Speech-language therapy
  • Social skills training

CBD Oil For Autism

CBD oil may help regulate emotional states and focus. It is also known to be a neuroprotective that could work against brain degradation. CBD may also be an effective treatment in mood regulation, decreasing anxiety, rage and hostility that occurs in Autism patients.

Although not formally tested, promising results have shown the use of Cannabidiol (CBD) in the treatment of the hypersensitivity to physical sensations, noises, smells and the hyperactivity associated with the disorder.

Researchers have also found what they believe to be a potential link between autism and cannabinoid receptors, particularly cannabinoid CB2 receptors within the endocannabinoid system. These findings regarding the CB2 receptors support the theory that autism could be caused by a disruption of the brain’s ability to send clear signals. This, in turn, raises the possibility that using cannabinoids found in cannabis can restore communication to allow for proper cell function and communication

While further research needs to be done involving the treatment of autism with CBD, there is anecdotal evidence that says CBD oil for Autism may present an effective treatment option.

Endocannabinoid Signaling in Autism
Targeting the endocannabinoid system in the treatment of fragile X syndrome
Autism-Associated Neuroligin-3 Mutations Commonly Disrupt Tonic Endocannabinoid Signaling
A novel approach to the symptomatic treatment of autism
An autistic child given THC for six months reported significant reductions in the symptoms of autism
Endocannabinoid System as Novel Therapeutic Target for Autism Treatment
Cannabinoid receptor type 2, but not type 1, is up-regulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of children affected by autistic disorders
Autism Fact Sheet – National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
What Is Autism? – Autism Speaks
Cannabinoid receptor type 2, but not type 1, is up-regulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of children affected by autistic disorders
Consequences of cannabinoid and monoaminergic system disruption in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorders
Uncoupling of the endocannabinoid signalling complex in a mouse model of fragile x syndrome
Mutations found in individuals with autism interfere with endocannabinoid signaling in the brain
Mice with similar behavioral characteristics to autistic humans saw an enhanced reduction in depression and were able to remain focused on running on the spinning wheel apparatus
Autism-associated neuroligin-3 mutations commonly disrupt tonic endocannabinoid signaling

Visit CBD Insiders a fast-growing community sharing their knowledge of the latest CBD Health, Research, Science & News as well as exclusive interviews and in-depth reporting on influential players in the CBD business.

CBD Oil For Autism was originally published on CBD Insiders for CBD News website.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

CBD Oil For Sleep Disorders

CBD Oil For Sleep DisordersCBD Oil For Sleep Disorders From CBD Insiders

While CBD oil for sleep disorders & insomnia isn’t a miracle cure, over the last few years several important studies have been published within the scientific and academic communities, showing that CBD for sleep is in fact a reliable – and efficient – treatment option.

It is estimated that approximately 70 million people suffer from sleep disorders or insomnia. Often sleeping problems are related to stress or anxiety, and if this is the case, insomnia can become a chronic issue that needs to be treated as an actual medical condition.

Many people who take prescription medication for insomnia or other sleep-related disorders complain of feeling lethargic, nauseated, distracted, and unable to focus – and that’s just some of the side-effects. In addition, those who take prescription medication may also be unable to operate vehicles or machinery, which can mean the loss of mobility and even potentially the loss of income. But how do you find something that helps you maintain a decent sleep without all the horrible side-effects of prescription medication?

If you’re dealing with a frustrating sleep disorder, CBD oil may be the solution that you’ve been looking for. As a natural plant-based alternative to over-the-counter drugs, which can be dangerous and habit-forming, using CBD oil for sleep has gained rapid popularity in recent years.

CBD oil may be an effective treatment for lack of sleep caused by any of the following conditions:

  • Insomnia
  • Daytime sleepiness/fatigue
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic pain (caused migraines, arthritis, back pain, etc.)

The benefits of CBD for insomnia or other sleep disorders are believed to involve the endocannabinoid system, a network of receptors in the human body that are activated by the natural cannabinoids found in cannabis plants like hemp. Among other things, the receptors have been shown to influence things like mood, depression, anxiety, appetite, and even pain and inflammation.

CBD is a 100% natural chemical that’s found in the marijuana plant. It is what’s referred to as a “phytocannabinoid,” which means it belongs to a class of molecules that interact with endocannabinoid receptors in the human body and is thought to relax the body and mind by helping to regulate the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for helping the body maintain homeostasis (the natural balance of bodily functions). This is done by activating the main categories of receptors CB1 and CB2. These two receptors play a role in the release of neurotransmitter, focus, memory and pain tolerance and feelings of pleasure.

In preliminary studies, anecdotal evidence supports the use of CBD oil for sleep and insomnia and CBD users with troubles sleeping claim that they get a better sleep when taking a CBD extract or tincture a few hours before going to bed.

While we may not understand the exact mechanisms behind how CBD helps to induce both deep sleep and wakefulness, accounts from real people show it works. Many people even say they were able to replace their prescription sleep medications with CBD hemp oil, since prescription medications were ineffective.

Ultimately, everyone is different. The varying combinations of medications, supplements, and other strategies for getting a more restful night’s rest will depend on a person’s individual needs.

A doctor’s opinion is also necessary. It’s always best to discuss any life changes with your health practitioner.

However, there remains mounting evidence that CBD oil for sleep can prove helpful with minimal side effects although it’s always best to discuss any life changes with your health practitioner.

In addition, there is evidence showing how important sleep is for our overall health and due to these facts, we hope that everyone looking to get better sleep would take CBD oil into consideration as a possible solution to sleep disorders. The existing evidence seems to suggest that it can only help. Why not try it out for yourself?

The nonpsychoactive Cannabis constituent cannabidiol is a wake-inducing agent
Cannabis, Cannabinoids, and Sleep: a Review of the Literature
Excessive daytime sleepiness in sleep disorders
Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders
Effects of acute systemic administration of cannabidiol on sleep-wake cycle in rats
Cannabidiol, a constituent of Cannabis sativa, modulates sleep in rats

Visit CBD Insiders a fast-growing community sharing their knowledge of the latest CBD Health, Research, Science & News as well as exclusive interviews and in-depth reporting on influential players in the CBD business.

CBD Oil For Sleep Disorders was originally published on CBD Insiders for CBD News website.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

CBD Oil For Parkinson’s Disease

CBD Oil For Parkinson's DiseaseCBD Oil For Parkinson’s Disease From CBD Insiders

There is still much to be learned about using CBD oil for Parkinson’s to find out just which compounds in the cannabis plant hold the key to slowing down the disease and managing its symptoms.

Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system which affects roughly 6 million people worldwide, many of whom are between the ages of 50 and 65.

While the majority of cases have causes that are unknown, there are several known causes of Parkinson’s, and sometimes it can even come down to genetics. Other causes include:

  • Viral infection
  • Environmental toxins
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Metal manganese
  • Negative reaction to prescription drugs
  • Stroke
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Brain tumor
  • Multiple head traumas
  • Encephalitis
  • Hydrocephalitis

The symptoms of Parkinson’s come on slowly over time and are most commonly related to the motor system, such as shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement, or shuffling. But they can also be accompanied by cognitive and emotional disturbances, as well as difficulties sleeping.

Mobility and movement are two of the first affected because the brain cells in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra begin to die, reducing production of the neurotransmitter, dopamine, which alters signaling in the basal ganglia, the area of the brain which is responsible for movement, thus leading to the collection of motor related symptoms known collectively as Parkinsonism.

Some of the common early signs of Parkinson’s disease include:

  • Softening of voice
  • Slight tremors
  • Depression
  • Decline in cognitive function
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Gait problems
  • Development of a hunchback
  • Instances of dizziness
  • Increased difficulty walking and moving
  • Increased overall pain
  • Decreased size of handwriting

As Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease, this means that its symptoms become worse until quality of life is reduced significantly. In the final stage, people often are in constant pain and their mobility is so restricted they cannot move from their bed.

Thus far, there is no known cure for Parkinson’s and the current treatment, Levodopa targets dopamine depletion, although as more neuronal damage occurs, the drug eventually becomes ineffective and can even worsen the uncontrollable movements, known as dyskinesia, in patients.

Desperate to slow down the course of the disease and improve the life limiting symptoms, it’s little wonder that many Parkinson’s sufferers and their families look towards other options, including medicinal cannabis and CBD oil for Parkinson’s, and it has only been in the last 20 years that scientists have really begun to understand the ways in which cannabis affects the body with the discovery of the endocannabinoid system – the homeostatic regulator comprising a network of receptors (CB1 and CB2) and cannabis-like chemicals, found predominantly in the brain, central nervous and immune system.

Endocannabinoid System and Parkinson’s Disease

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a key role in regulating the lifespan of cells in the body, something vitally important in the central nervous system where brain cell loss is particularly difficult to overcome however research has started to demonstrate that in neurodegenerative disease, the ECS may even have a neuroprotective effect.

The basal ganglia, the area of the brain affected by Parkinson’s,

has a high density of CB1 receptors and in scientific Parkinson’s research, scientists have observed increased CB1 activity in this brain region. Greater CB2 receptor expression has also been identified in the brain’s glial cells, as well as an overall increase in endocannabinoid production.

Research has already shown that cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant can have a direct impact on the endocannabinoid system so it’s no surprise then that an exciting area of research into combating neurodegenerative disease is the use of cannabinoids as therapeutic tools.

While current Parkinson’s medication seeks to address the depletion of dopamine, the main focus of current cannabinoid research is into the neuroprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant.

CBD Oil For Parkinson’s Treatment

When it comes to CBD and Parkinson’s, the compound has also been shown to block CB1 receptor activity, making it of particular interest for Parkinson’s research.

CBD oil for Parkinson’s shows the most promise as a powerful antioxidant which scavenges the free radicals that cause oxidative stress, commonly believed to be a precursor to Parkinson’s. Unlike other cannabinoids, it does so independently of any endocannabinoid signalling.

A study on Cannabidiol for the treatment of psychosis in Parkinson’s disease showed a significant decrease in psychotic symptoms under CBD treatment.

Research from 2014 also found that Cannabidiol can improve complex sleep-related behaviours associated with rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder in Parkinson’s disease patients.

However, in a 2014 study in which 119 patients were given either a placebo, 75mg of CBD or 300mg of CBD, no significant changes were noted in motor symptoms or neuroprotective effects, although those taking 300mg CBD did report improvements in their quality of life.

While it’s still early times in the field of researching CBD Oil for Parkinson’s, initial results appear promising and as more clinical trials take place, science may, perhaps, eventually catch up with what many Parkinson’s patients and families have already experienced firsthand.

Endocannabinoids and Neurodegenerative Disorders: Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s Chorea, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Others
Symptom-relieving and neuroprotective effects of the phytocannabinoid Δ⁹-THCV in animal models of Parkinson’s disease
Survey on cannabis use in Parkinson’s disease: subjective improvement of motor symptoms
Cannabidiol for the treatment of psychosis in Parkinson’s disease
Cannabidiol can improve complex sleep-related behaviours associated with rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder in Parkinson’s disease patients
Effects of cannabidiol in the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease: an exploratory double-blind trial
REM sleep behavior disorder in patients with Parkinson’s disease
Prospects for cannabinoid therapies in basal ganglia disorders
Parkinson’s Disease Causes & Statistics
Connection between inflammatory stimulus and Parkinson’s disease

Visit CBD Insiders a fast-growing community sharing their knowledge of the latest CBD Health, Research, Science & News as well as exclusive interviews and in-depth reporting on influential players in the CBD business.

CBD Oil For Parkinson’s Disease was originally published on CBD Insiders for CBD News website.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

CBD Oil For Seizures

CBD Oil For SeizuresCBD Oil For Seizures From CBD Insiders

Studies suggests that CBD oil for seizures may be a legitimate form of treatment for patients who have not responded to traditional forms of medicine.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that CBD is effective for treating Dravet Syndrome, a rare and severe form of epilepsy. Subjects as young as 2.5-years-old saw reduced instances of convulsive seizures after a 14-week trial.

Epilepsy is an extremely complex disorder. The condition occurs due to neuronal misfirings and abnormal electrical discharges in the brain. This results in the dreaded convulsions that arise with no warning.

Approximately 30% of Americans diagnosed with epilepsy do not respond to traditional medication including pharmaceutical drugs, such as clonazepam, primidone, phenytoin, and valproic acid to list a few. In addition, these medications may also induce a number of unwanted side effects, including weight gain, hair loss, double vision and liver failure in more serious cases. When medications fail, it’s because they either don’t stop the convulsions or because side effects are too severe.

CBD may provide relief for anyone with epilepsy but particularly for the 30% whose bodies don’t respond to traditional medications. CBD is also known to quell anxiety, which often arises as patients incessantly worry when their next convulsive episode will occur.

We want to make it clear that we’re not suggesting that CBD will magically make your seizures a thing of the past. However, we believe it’s one of the best options out there for keeping the condition under control.

What is CBD and What Does It Do?

Cannabidiol, often referred to as CBD, is truly one of the most remarkable compounds in the natural world.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is probably the best-known cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, along with THC. Although the two compounds share the same roots, they don’t carry the same traits and their effects on the human body are very different.

THC is the compound that makes one high and does this by binding to the CB1 receptor in the brain. It does provide some health benefits thanks to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, but the side effects usually outweigh the benefits. This is why THC is not regarded as a suitable treatment solution for many applications with CBD often a better option as CBD has fewer side effects.

CBD on the other hand has a greater affinity to the CB2 receptor, interacting differently with the nervous system without eliciting any psychoactive effect. Instead, CBD health benefits are numerous, including antioxidant, antiemetic, anticonvulsant and anti-tumoral properties. Moreover, CBD counteracts the psychoactivity of THC and acts as a natural antidepressant and neuroprotective agent.

What Are The Beneficial Properties of CBD?

According to a recent review published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, CBD has been shown to have the following beneficial properties:

Antiemetic — reduces nausea and vomiting
Anticonvulsant — suppresses seizure activity
Anti-Psychotic (combats psychosis)
Anti-Inflammatory (decreases inflammation)
Antioxidant (combats oxidative stress)
Anti-Tumoral, Anti-Cancer (combats tumor, cancer cell growth)
Anxiolytic, Antidepressant (combats anxiety and depression)

CBD is breaking ground with research that is set to change the lives of people everywhere.

Using CBD Oil For Seizures

CBD hemp oil is made from high-CBD, low-THC hemp, unlike medical marijuana products, which are usually made from plants with high concentrations of psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Because hemp contains only trace amounts of THC, these hemp oil products are non-psychoactive.

People who look for the purest and often strongest CBD products out there often turn to CBD oil. CBD in oil form is typically more concentrated and contains the highest quantity of CBD in the industry when compared to all other CBD product types. CBD oil typically has no (or very few) added flavors or sweeteners and come in a variety of strengths to suit all types of users.

Since CBD oil is more “pure” than other CBD product types, they don’t have any added flavor. This is a desirable characteristic for many people, but some consumers may find the natural flavor undesirable. The uses of CBD hemp oil are as varied as the customers who order it. With that in mind, there are a wide variety of CBD hemp oil products available, ranging in price and potency, to meet the needs of everyone.

Could Cannabidiol be a Treatment Option for Intractable Childhood and Adolescent Epilepsy?
Cannabinoids and Epilepsy
Trial of Cannabidiol for Drug-Resistant Seizures in the Dravet Syndrome

Visit CBD Insiders a fast-growing community sharing their knowledge of the latest CBD Health, Research, Science & News as well as exclusive interviews and in-depth reporting on influential players in the CBD business.

CBD Oil For Seizures was originally published on CBD Insiders for CBD News website.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”